Friday, June 11, 2010
Wow, apparently I got busy with other things...
I'm not going to do a big long update here, but I will fill in info as I update about current things I feel like blogging about. Capice? Benne!
Monday, May 25, 2009
I never know what to put in the title...
That really sums most of it up. Just got back from one of my weekly NST. Heart rate sitting at 125, and then accelerating up to about 150 with good movement. Blood pressure good, as always.
I see the OB on Thursday, and this will be the appointment where I get my prenatal sheet to carry around with me, and also I will get switched over to bi-weekly appointments.
Next week Tuesday I have another ultrasound in Winnipeg. Hoping everything looks good still! Still not sure if they will have me come back to Winnipeg for another ultrasound after this one or not. I will be 32 weeks pregnant next week, and if they follow their normal schedule, having me come back in another 4-5 weeks puts me at 36 or 37 weeks and by then we are already into planning mode on how this baby will be born. So I don't know.
On the emotional front, I have being dealing with a few little panic attacks each day. They are worse during the day when I'm home by myself and I find myself doing nothing for a bit. So as long as I keep myself relatively busy during the day with little things, and my hubby comes home to me in the evenings (which he always does!), I can manage them. They mostly stem from memories. I still can't get my head past how everything ended last time. My mind imagines all the way up to the birth, and then slams to a halt. Then I start to panic; worry about recent movement, worry about a possible c-section....everything just hits me all at once. I'm just glad I have such wonderful support around me!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Train keeps rolling...
I just realized that in my last post I said that my house is usually 90% ready for company; these last two weeks must have been that other 10%. Not a huge mess by any means, but clutter and stuff everywhere. In my defense, we were busy with taking the youth to a conference in Winnipeg for a weekend, so there was the planning beforehand and the sleep needed after, so that really dragged me down. But I will work at it slowly, and it will be back to neat in no time.
In baby news; at my last OB appointment they had me do the 1 hour sugar test, and that result came back high. So this last Monday I went in to do the 3 hour sugar test (oh joy...not). But I called for the results yesterday and they were normal. Huh. So no gestational diabetes for me! But because of the high result on the 1 hour test, I am still conscious of how much sugar I'm taking in throughout the day.
And for the next little bit, not a lot planned.
Two more Fridays with the youth, with a huge wind-up on the 22nd. Then youth is done.
I have another OB appointment on the 28th, and after that I think they will be bringing me in for an appointment every 2 weeks because I'll be 31 weeks.
I have another fetal assessment on June 2nd in Winnipeg, and I'm thinking that might be the last time I head in to the big city for an ultrasound. I will just continue to be monitored here at home.
So after all that, being about 32 weeks by then, I will slowly start working on getting the baby's room finished (again). I've been scared of getting it set up early this time's just scary! But it will need to get done for sure by then, so I will suck it up and just do it.
As a side note, because I don't really feel like going deep into my feelings on the subject, let me just say that I'm not sure how to feel on Sunday (Mother's Day). It will be odd.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Ups and Downs

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Sad revelation
Heartbeat was good; 145. Although baby was hiding on the OB a bit, took him a couple of minutes to find a good spot.
Waiting until the 17th when I have my ultrasound in Winnipeg.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Getting my act together...
So I was all prettied up, and we went for a nice supper. Yummy food, cozy atmosphere, fire alarm blaring....what? Yeah, apparently someone pulled the alarm as a prank, and it went off for like 10 minutes. They couldn't turn it off until the fire dept actually got there and verified it was a false alarm. But other than that it was a good evening.
Monday was a holiday here (Louis Riel Day), so N had the day off with me. We spent the morning cleaning out closets and deciding what junk we could all get rid of. We had a nice pile of stuff, and advertised it on a local web page. Within two hours half of it had sold and we had made almost $100. So we went and filled the van with gas! Always nice to be driving on a full tank rather than below the quarter-full line.
Now I am just trying to get into the habit of my cleaning routine that I have found here: It's fairly simple, and allows me to spread my cleaning throughout the week so I don't have to blow all my energy on one full day of full apartment cleaning. Anyone else heard of this/tried this/do this?
Oh, and here is a picture we took on Sunday, as I was 17 weeks.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Not alot to say
My OB confirmed that having two pregnancies so close together is causing quite a bit of strain on my body, so sleep is very important. Other than that, everything is going fine. My most recent appointment was on Feb 3rd. All looking good. Got a good heartbeat again; 150 this time. The ultrasound I had in Jan was pretty good. My due date changed a little bit; got pushed back 10 days. So instead of July 15th, I'm due around July 26th. The only thing odd they picked up on was that between the amniotic sac and either the placenta or uterine wall there is a small bubble of blood. Just hanging out, not really doing anything. OB told me it was no reason to worry; it's not going to interfere with the pregnancy in anyway. He just wanted me to know so that if I had a bit of spotting sometime, that as long as it's old blood that it would just be that bubble draining.
Next appointment is March 3rd. Waiting for that because then I can hear the heartbeat again. Been feeling a few of the first tiny kicks and flutters that will ease some of my tension between visits, so that's good. I'm anxiously waiting the fetal assessment I have in Winnipeg on March 17th. Higher tech machines and such will hopefully give me a better look inside and maybe a bit more in-depth info.
Other than that, just dealing with the strange weather we always seem to get. It's been warmer here the last few days, so all the snow started to melt and make it very slushy. Then all day yesterday it rained; we got about 5-10mm. Then today, it snowed about 6 inches. Not a good couple of days for driving I'll tell you! The snow is supposed to let off some time tonight, and I'm hoping that we go back to the warmer temps so that the snow will continue to melt!