So I realize that I haven't posted on here in a while. Don't quite know why; it's not like I'm too busy. I'm on the computer checking this and a minimum of 3 times a day. Just an attack of apathy I guess. I think the easiest way to get all the news out in an understandable format is by numbers, so here we go:
1. I am enjoying being a stay at home wife/mom(?). With how drained I am, I don't think I could even make it through a 4 hour shift, let alone a normal 8 hours shift. But this allows me to make sure that at least 90% of the time I have something for supper planned, and the house is almost always in "company-ready" condition.
2. Everything still seems to be going fine with this pregnancy. I don't even remember when the last time I updated, so I'll just list what has happened so far.
- Ultrasound done in March; everything looking good. Heart development normal. Measurements were on track with dates. Heart beat good. (Forgot to ask for pictures at that one; oh well.)
- It was recommended (and I agree) that I start going for weekly non-stress tests just to keep an eye on the heart of the baby. So that started about halfway through March. It is nice to have that reassurance each week; to be able to just lay there for a couple of minutes with the baby's heart thumping away. So this will continue until the birth.
-Just finished going for an ultrasound yesterday. Again, all good news. Measurements on track with dates. Heart rate good. (see picture at the end of the post...)
3. I also had a doctor's appointment today, and while there we discussed what our options were for the birth of this baby. When Xavier was born, the OB had a hard time trying to get his shoulders out. Like he said, it wasn't such a huge deal at the time because with Xavier already passed away, there was no rush or anything. But he wasn't a big baby; he was only 7lbs 2oz. Because we are thinking positively and assuming that this baby will make it to delivery, it would become a big deal if the same thing happened again. So we were trying to figure out what the best plan of attack is.
I had asked the OB about the idea of inducing early (35 or 36 weeks), just to be able to have the normal birth with a "smaller" baby. But he nixed that immediately; it's just not something that they do. I was more just curious than anything, so I'm okay with that option not working. So after a bit more discussion, here's how it's going to break down. I will be monitored closely towards the end of the pregnancy by ultrasound, and they will be keeping a very close eye on the baby's size. The OB basically told me today that if it looks like it will be at all close to Xavier's weight, they will most likely be doing a c-section for the birth. Well, that does not leave a lot of room to allow for a normal birth, because if Xavier was 7.2 at 36 weeks, I'm not sure how small they think this baby will be if left to go to 37-40 weeks. As a result, it's pretty safe to say this one will be a c-section. So now I have that to worry about for the next 10-12 weeks. Joy.
But all in all, that is where we stand. Other than that, we keep busy with they youth program at our church. It will keep us busy for the month of May (what with a weekend conference and the big windup happening). The month of June will be spent getting the rest of the baby's room set back up, and waiting for the final verdict on the birth. 37 weeks is June 28-July 4, so I'm assuming they would plan the c-section for that week or the week after. And then it's a whole new ball game! (Hopefully....) And now, for the promised picture:

1 comment:
Just wanted to say that I'm glad you posted an update. And I'm even more glad to hear that everything is going well, even though they won't consider early induction. Have faith; it'll all work out for the absolute best!
I have to tell you, I'm sorta jealous; I wish to heaven that MY house was company-ready most of the time!
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