
Lilypie First Birthday tickers


Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Eveyone with me now....."whew"

So a big sigh of relief for me. The appointment went rather well. (Aside from the nasty cervical exam and pap smear and stuff....always fun, right?) I told him I thought I was about 9w6d. After the internal exam was done, he checked my uterus, and it is well above the pelvic bone already. And he did try to find a heart beat, and IT WAS THERE! (I think I teared up a bit; man was I worried.) HB sitting at 160 bpm. Everything fine there too.

So because my uterus is a bit high and he could find the heart beat no problem, he is of the opinion that I am about 12w6d. I'm okay with that!

He is sending me for an ultrasound here, to get dates verified and such. But I am also getting sent to Winnipeg for a higher-tech ultrasound to check on blood flow. That will be interesting.

So for now I am happy, and doing a bit better than I was.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy crap!! Stratch some of the stuff I said in the other comment. How awesome to jump up 3 weeks.

So happy to see that all is going well. Looking forward to reading about your progress!